
Friday, May 20, 2011

The Day Before...

At the Hallmark dinner the other night, a couple of girls were talking about this impending rapture that is supposed to happen on May 21st.   For the most part they were joking, but a couple of them were really concerned.  Did I think it was possible, etc.  My answer was simply that there is no specific date given in the bible, it is even said that man can't know the day or hour when it will happen, so I wasn't concerned.  That the calculations of this man, based on things in the bible, were clearly flawed (from a religious perspective) because Human beings are fundamentally flawed.  This seemed to make them feel better and put them at ease, I'm not really sure when I became the voice of wisdom or why they accepted it so readily. 

But there is a lot of chatter, from people in my life, about this business and one can't help but think about it.  As I've said before, my mother and her sister believe that the end of times are nigh.  Granted Aunt C. has taken it to an extreme that involves stocking food and supplies, but my mother has always been my religious knowledge source and it disturbs me that she is thinking something similar to this.  Yes, there have been Earthquakes, Famines, and Wars but none any worse than others in our collective history.

Do I think it's possible that at some point in the near future the world, as we know it, will change or come to an "end" giving rise to something new we have not yet begun to imagine, yes.  The thing about life is that things are always changing.  Could something happen to derail the American government and completely change our current way of life?  Anything is possible and we're still a young country.  I'm sure the Ancient Romans never thought their way of life would come to an end and yet it did.  England enjoyed an expansive existence for a period of time and yet the sun did set.  Empires are built and destroyed and yet life remains.  It would be arrogant and foolish to think that things will go on forever just as they are.  But that doesn't mean it will be a bad change either.

1 comment:

  1. Actually - they are predicting the end of the world as we know it . . .economically. Globalization will take hold and unseat the US as the primo country.

    As for end of times , why stock up on food and stuff? Doesn't that suggest you don't think you'll be taken up with teh rapture?
