
Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Purse Party

I had a My 31 Purse Party over the weekend.  You know those businesses that women usually run to supplement their household income, like Pampered Chef or Lia Sophia.  You get a group of your friends together to listen to the Consultant talk about their product and then they try to convince you to sell it yourself or at least book a party.  I feel like, most of the time, it's the same groups of women and really they are just trading money around.  Don't get me wrong, I think this is a perfectly viable option for busy women and stay at home moms and I applaud them for their business efforts.  It is, however, not for me. 

But my friend, G, needed a $200 minimum party to remain an active consultant and I owed her a huge favor for helping me clean out my storage unit last August.  Not to mention, I like the purse they offer that has removable covers.  It's called the Skirt Purse and let's me change my look without having to move things from purse to purse.  It's also less expensive than the Vera Bradley we sell at my store. She was able to make her minimum and I was able to get a couple of free things.  So it worked out pretty well.

What I did not realize is that the company is named My Thirty-One after Proverbs 31.  I knew it was a Christian Organization, but didn't realize that it was based around this ideal wife description.  There are entire Bible study groups centered around being this type of woman and I just don't get it.  Maybe I am selfish in that arena or a product of my times, I don't know.  Maybe I will understand it a little more once I have children and there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.  But it also sounds a lot like the character Ellen O'Hara from Gone With the Wind and I think I am a little bit more like Scarlett right now.

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