
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Hallmark Girls Are Getting Younger

I went out last night to celebrate the birthdays of a couple of the Hallmark Girls.  There was me, 30, and then the next oldest was C, 22.  Three of the girls had just turned 21 and there was the exchanging of ID's and deciding what drinks to get.  It was adorable.  Like puppies playing with fuzzy yellow chicks in a Teddy Bear factory.  It made me think of those days in my own life and the people I shared them with.

C.D. was the Hallmark girl I hung out with the most at that time, though she was still just C.S. at that time.  None of the girls last night remembered, or even worked, with her.  But she took me out when I turned 21, to Uno's, and bought me a Lemon Drop shot for my first drink.  I was nervous and unsure; almost dropped the lemon wedge on the bar.  And then I decided to just drink the last little bit I'd left in the shot glass, without the sugar and lemon.  I shared this story last night, but none of the girls were interested in shots.  Good for them.

I am in the same role that R.F. was for me.  It's just weird for me to think about.  I am the older, wiser Hallmark girl with helpful tale of my own troubles when they need advice.  They can talk to me about things that they would never mention to Teri and yet I am not in the tight knit circle anymore.  I am the inbetween.

1 comment:

  1. I felt that way for a long time too. I'm sure if I were still in MD, we'd be in that same boat (even though you are a bit older than I am).

    When I worked at Hallmark here in GA, I definitely felt that way. There was no one remotely close to my age. I was in the middle and felt like the odd one out all the time.
