
Friday, May 6, 2011

A Pampered Chef is a Happy Chef

Tonight, I went to my friend's Pampered Chef party. (Really it was her mom's but she invited friends as well.)  I figured I would buy something small and be done with it, but I was captivated by this microwavable dish.  The woman actually cooked an entire meal in about 20 minutes.  The chicken was nice and tender, the pasta was delicious and I fell for it; hook, line, and sinker. 

I do have to say that I think there is a certain culture that goes with these types of parties.  And I really don't think it's my thing.  I can see there are certain "cult" elements to it.  How do I explain that so it doesn't sound as offensive as it does right now? Meaning that everyone is amazed by this or that gadget and the goal of the Consultant is to sell as much as possible, book as many parties as possible, and get someone to start selling the same product so they can be promoted within the organization.  It's kind of like a pyramid scheme, you know?

Yes, I did find something that will hopefully make my life a little bit easier and I paid a little too much for it.  But I don't really want to have a party for Pampered Chef, nor did I really care about the presentation in general.  I paid attention because it's polite, but I couldn't feign interest to save my life.  Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my independent nature, who knows....

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