
Friday, May 13, 2011

MTV = "My Time is Valuable"

There are few things in this world that irritate me more than the lack of courtesy between human beings.  Today I am specifically referring to a wasting of someone else's time because one can't be bothered to send a quick text message to declare that plans are cancelled.  Basically, blowing someone off.  In a no strings agreement between adults, there are only two rules; show up when you say you will and don't get attached.  (Of course, there are other rules that can be agreed upon but I feel these are pretty universal.) 

I kind of feel like my "slutty phase" is prematurely over, now.  Because, really, I wasn't going to sleep with multiple partners over the summer.  I had an agreement with one individual that seemed to satisfy both our needs and that was fine with me.  But last night, after an agreed upon meeting was ignored, I have no desire to waste my time further with this individual.  If he'd had a legitimate date opportunity, I would have completely understood and probably encouraged it.  If there had been some sort of family or medical emergency, again, I would not have a problem.  But when I see that someone is active online and actively ignoring plans, I don't have any patience.  Perhaps I can work out an agreement with someone else before the summer is over, but I feel like I'd have to be in the right place and mood for that since it's something that doesn't come naturally to me.

The evening was not a complete loss, however, as I was able to clean my room (I've been putting it off for months now) and catch up on the blogs I missed while on Vacation.  Of course, had I known my plans would be changed, I would have had something more interesting lined up or at least gotten back to the gym.  But these were things that needed to be done and I'd been avoiding doing them.  Like my room/house, for example.  Since my break-up I haven't actively done anything to keep it tidy and it's fallen into quite a loathsome state.  I just didn't have the will or desire to do anything, but then I couldn't stand the sight of it so I would make plans that kept me away from the place until bed time.  And I think we all know that that isn't healthy.  So things are tidy once more and just need a thorough clean and dusting on my next day off and I'll be able to breath easier and feel comfortable once more.

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